Sermon Archive

Topical Sermons Pastor Tom Sylvia Topical Sermons Pastor Tom Sylvia

Share The Gospel! (Isaiah 62)

This week we are going to be looking at Isaiah 62, the whole chapter. One core tenet of East Shore is evangelism, we love it, we share the gospel every week. We collect the evangelism stories each week to encourage us to press on.
As this is Pastor Tom's final sermon, he wants to encourage you all the more to continue sharing the gospel! It is Pastor Tom’s prayer that Isaiah 62 will only strengthen that passion of gospel proclamation.

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Topical Sermons Pastor Tom Sylvia Topical Sermons Pastor Tom Sylvia

More That A Dream (Psalm 126)

Pastor Tom encourages us from Psalm 126. We will be challenged to press on with joy, to worship God expecting Him to work, and to commit more than ever to live a life fully surrendered to Him.

Do I expect God to work in m life?
What would it look like to be joyfully surrendered to God?

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Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia

Who Is Jesus? | Our God Is Faithful (Mark 14:26-31)

Pastor Tom will shares from Mark 14:26-31 about Jesus' prediction that His disciples would deny and abandon Him. Jesus knew from eternity past that they would deny Him and leave Him all alone, and yet, He still goes before them and claims them as His own. He does the same with us. When we are faithless, we can rest knowing that Jesus will be faithful.

How have I been faithless to Jesus?
How has He remained faithful to me?

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Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia

Who Is Jesus? | A Story To Remember (Mark 14)

We continue moving through the book of Mark and study chapter 14 this week. Pastor Tom will retell the story of a woman anointing Jesus before he goes to the cross. We will see in her a heart for worship and dependence on Jesus. She doesn't trust in her wealth or anything she has, but solely in Jesus Christ.

Do I have any idols in my life that I need to rid myself of?
Who is in charge of my life; myself or Jesus?

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Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia

Who Is Jesus? | The Love Of God (Mark 12:28-34)

Jesus is going to unpack the first and second greatest commandments from the Bible in Mark 12:28-34. Pastor Tom will help us discover that if we get the greatest commandment right, then all of the other commandments will fall into place.

Do I have a deep passion and hunger to love God more?
Do I desire to experience God's love? If not, why not?

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Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia

Who Is Jesus? | Have No Fear! (Mark 10:32-34)

Pastor Tom preaches from Mark 10:32-34. We are going to look at Jesus' third time predicting his death. In this instance, He is quite detailed as to what is going to happen to Him. Why? Because He is encouraging His disciples to overcome their fear and to follow Him. In this sermon we are going to see how we can be paralyzed by our fears, but through the power of the Gospel, we can overcome them.

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Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia

Who Is Jesus? | The Power Of Faith (Mark 9:14-29)

In this sermon, we see Jesus surrounded by people who lack faith in Him in Mark 9:14-29. Pastor Tom shares with us how each person/s in our story is dealing with a situation that could easily be resolved if they had faith in Christ. We will talk about the power of our faith in Christ and be challenged to grow our faith in Christ.
What is the power of faith in Christ? How can I grow in my faith?

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Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia

Who Is Jesus? | Substance (Mark 8:22-26)

Pastor Tom continues our study through the Gospel of Mark in 8:22-26. In this text Jesus will take two attempts to heal a blind man, symbolizing the Old and New Testaments.
What were shadows in the Old Testament are now clearly seen in the New Testament. The key difference? Jesus has come to shed light for us to see!

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Topical Sermons Pastor Tom Sylvia Topical Sermons Pastor Tom Sylvia

Ephesians Chapter One

We start the year 2023 off with a reminder of our faith, specifically the God we worship, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, and how we can encourage one another to grow in that belief. As you prepare for the message, read the passage and ask yourself:How can I encourage other believers in 2023?

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Pastor Tom Sylvia Pastor Tom Sylvia

Who Is Jesus? | The Gospel Must Go Out! (Mark 4:1-20)

In this sermon we look at the Parable of the Sower in Mark 4:1-20. In this parable we learn that when we share the gospel, we can expect four different responses/results. We learn that Satan is looking for opportunities to snatch people away from Christ, that the world hates the gospel and pressures people away from Christ either by persecution, lusts or temptations, and if a person cannot stand through those challenges then they will not stand at the final judgment. Only those who endure, perceive, and understand the love of Christ will produce fruit and enjoy eternal life.

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Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia

Who is Jesus? | Sabbaths and Healings and Hard Hearts, Oh My! (Isaiah 58:13-14)

Pastor Tom continues our study on the Gospel of Mark in Mark 2:23-3:6. We focus on two different themes this Sunday; first, Jesus is a gracious gift giver. Jesus has given us the 4th commandment to be enjoyed, not abused, therefore let's experience God's gift of rest. Second, we are going to look at the characteristics of a hardened heart and the wickedness that flows from such corruption.
As you prepare for the message, read the passage and ask yourself:Have I thanked God for the gift of rest?What does a hardened heart look like?

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Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia

Who Is Jesus? | A Wedding Celebration (Mark 2:13-22)

We get a taste of what the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Revelation 19 will look like. Jesus, the bridegroom is preparing His bride, the church for a wedding. It will be a wedding celebration that no one will want to miss!
In this text we will see who makes up Jesus' bride, the church, the benefits of being a part of the church, and what the church does while she waits for the marriage celebration.

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Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia

Who is Jesus? | The Conquering, Compassionate Savior (Mark 1:21-34)

As the title indicates, we talk about Jesus' primary message and mission on earth. His message was: The kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe the gospel. His mission was to build that kingdom through followers who are fishers of men. We are called to respond to His message by turning from sin and trusting in Jesus. We are called to respond to His mission by following Jesus and telling others about Him.

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Summer Reading With The Word Tom Sylvia Summer Reading With The Word Tom Sylvia

The Sufficiency of Scripture (Psalm 119:17-32)

Pastor Tom continues our new series: Summer Reading with the Word: A Study of Psalm 119. We look at Psalm 119:17-32 and learn how the Scriptures are sufficient for everything pertaining to life and godliness. They are sufficient to bring us to worship God and to provide comfort to us in difficult times.
What does it mean that the Bible is sufficient?

Do I view the Bible this way?

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Topical Sermons Pastor Tom Sylvia Topical Sermons Pastor Tom Sylvia

John 5:1-17

This past Sunday, Pastor Tom encouraged us from John 5:1-17 with a message on how Jesus cleanses us and saves us from sin.
As you prepare for the message, ask yourself, “Do we want to be healed, do you want to be free from your sins? Who is Jesus that He can free us from such a power? What is He doing today?”

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Jesus Is Better (Hebrews) Pastor Tom Sylvia Jesus Is Better (Hebrews) Pastor Tom Sylvia

Jesus Is Better Than Blind Faith (Hebrews 11:1-16)

Pastor Tom will be sharing about how we can put our faith to use from Hebrews 11:1-16. We will learn about the faith that God has given us and how it is better than blind faith because it is secure and certain. Then we will discuss how to put our faith to action by obeying the word of God and growing in the knowledge of God.
What is the Bible talking about when it talks about “faith”? How can I grow in faith?

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